Thursday, August 16, 2012

Glass or tiles Splash back for your kitchen?

Which one would you choose , tiles or glass splash back? Obviously the glass splash back is much more expensive? Would it be worth it if I upgrade to glass splashback for my kitchen?

Please share your experience with either one of them. Thank you Guys.

Tiles Splash back for Kitchen
Glass Splash back for Kitchen



  1. Hi, I prefer glass and am onto my 4th residence with it and love it. Main reason is oil & grease is hard to clean out of grout lines in tiles so light colours stain and dark splash backs I find a bit too dominating. Prefer dark overhead cupboards than dark splash back.

    Personal preference though, good luck with your choices!

  2. Hi Nat.

    Thanks for the info. After gathering few information from my friends they all have the same thoughts as you. So my husband n i decided to upgrade it. Much appreciated.

    Cheers erni

  3. Hey, I think I'm a bit late! Haha! Anyway, if you're going to ask me, I would go for glass splashback. Because of the way that it reflects the light, it can give your kitchen a different ambiance and feel, especially if your area has a limited space.

    Mathew Bergeron


  4. Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again

    Kitchen Tiles in chennai
